All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.2 |
2 |
Heuristic potential of the method of context analysis in research on the history of science and technology
full article |
Borodai I.
Pages: |
41-53 |
Summary |
The history of the formation of context analysis as one of the traditional methods of scientific research at the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries was highlighted. The characteristics of the advantages and features of the use of conceptual, сorrelation, contextual and automated context analysis were given. The procedure and the main stages of carrying out content-analytical studies have been described in detail. The heuristic potential of the content analysis method in scientific searches on the history of science and technology was disclosed, its use seems appropriate both in studying the evolution of some composite of scientific knowledge and in carrying out historical and biographical studies. It is shown that the specific of its application is determined by documentary research base. Research of the history of science and technology is based on the use of both personal and team information, including archival documents.
Keywords |
research methodology, content analysis, category, concept, history of science and technology
References |
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