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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 2
Article No. 1
All numbers / 2017 No.2 / Article No.1 1 Historical features of development of scientifically-technological processes of freight car production at the Kremenchug motor-car plant in the second half of ХХ –at the beginning ХХІ of centuries full article
Pages: 1-40 Summary Actuality of systematization of actual material and analysis of historical development of freight car production is set in Ukraine that will provide drawing on the most substantial accomplishments of the past for effective innovative activity in home motor industry.
The historical features of development of scientifically-technological processes of freight car production are certain at the Kremenchug motor-car plant in the second half of ХХ –at the beginning ХХІ of centuries. It is found out, that for today the Private joint-stock company of «AutoKrAZ» is included in ten of leading world leaders from a heavy car production, and is the only producer of trucks in Ukraine that has the reserved technological cycle of production. It is set that the model row of the Kremenchug motor-car plant counts 33 base models, almost 350 modifications and over 1500 acquisitions of 2-axial, 3-axial and 4-axialtrucks with different layout decisions.
It is found out, that introduction of scientifically-technological processes and front-rank technologies and technical improvements provided the production of reliable, powerful and comfortable cars-tippers, saddle tractors, side and reserved cars, motor-car undercarriages under editing of the different special equipment, that answer the modern requirements of international standards from ecological and travelling safety. Certainly, that over 85% of trucks of production of the Kremenchug motor-car plant to 70countries of the world are exported.
Keywords historical features, development, scientifically-technological processes, freight car, motor industry production, Kremenchug motor-car plant References
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