All numbers / 2017 No.1 / Article No.16 |
16 |
Directed breeding of the farm animals as a subject of scientific research of professor M. Kravchenko
full article |
Shulha V.
Pages: |
240-252 |
Summary |
The major milestones of formation and development of the doctrine of individual development of farm animals were highlighted. The contribution of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor N. Kravchenko to the development of the main principles directed breeding, which is based on the awareness of animal body integrity was generalized. The scientist first introduced the concept of selectivity and dynamic of individual development of the farm animals that are necessary to determine the patterns of their growth process. He actualized the problem of aging of farm animals, depending on their breed, individual characteristics and breeding conditions. He outlined a system of the measures that allow extending of term of productive use of farm animals. The priority of N. Kravchenko in justification of general economic value of the problem of individual development and extension of the period of farm animal economic use was proved.
Keywords |
animal husbandry, ontogenesis, farm animals, feeding, keeping, productive use
References |
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