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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 13

13 Participation of S. Vitte in rail way congresses of the group III full article
Petruchenko A.
Pages: 175-200

The article is dedicated to the activity of railway congresses of III group and participation of S. Vitte in them, as a representative of the Odessa railway.

In the second half of the nineteenth century. Railway lines in the Russian Empire were divided into groups to form in certain regions no reloading communication. Railways that was built on the territory of modern Ukraine were part of the third group. Railway rallies the group held annually in different cities of the Russian empire for nearly 20 years. They all gathered representatives of the railways.

S. Vitte at the time made his first career steps in Odessa railway as a young and promising specialist. So he took part in these congresses as a representative of the Odessa railway. He took an active part in the discussion of urgent issues of interaction between railways and the third group.

This work was the beginning of the career of the future scholar and reformer S. Vitte and gave him the opportunity to enter the circle of railroad engineers , get experience and prove himself in this scientific and technological community and have further pursue a career in the railway industry for leadership positions.

S. Vitte, the history of rail transport, railway congresses, freight, passenger service
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