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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 10

10 Research collective farm system of the case as a scientific support of agricultural production of Ukrainian SSR (1940-s of the XX century) full article
Kovalenko S.
Pages: 127-146

The article characterizes functioning and development of the research collective farm in 40-s of XX century for the purpose of assessment to solve contemporary current branch problems in connection with the objectives of Agriculture of Ukrainian SSR. The research work of the collective houses- laboratories and houses of agriculture to address the most pressing branch problems of the definite period is represented using scientific methods: analysis and synthesis; scientific knowledge - problem-chronological and comparative-historical; historiographical and sources analysis. The effectiveness of practice activities and achievements in the research collective farm taking into account changing of forms of its activities, updated targets set at the national and republic level was found out.

agricultural research work, research collective farm, house-laboratory, house of agriculture, Ukraine
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