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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 8

8 Academician of the academy of sciences of USSR YE. Lavrenko’s (1900-1987) contribution to the history of plant science full article
Drozd P.
Pages: 100-115

The aim of the article was to research the achievements of Academician Ye. Lavrenko (1900-1987) of the history of plant science and to analyze his work on this issue. The results of the study show that Ye. Lavrenko proved himself as a skilled historian of plant science that remained unproved till nowadays. Based on the analysis of publications Ye. Lavrenko's it was concluded that working on the biographies of scientists was contributed by his familiarity with a famous historian of botany S. Lipschitz - the editor of biography and bibliography dictionary "Russian Botanists." They were provided the little-known facts about Ye. Lavrenko's activities in the history of plant science and analysed his works, which can be divided into groups: works on biographies and scientific activities of individual scientists (V. Sukachov, M. Vavilov, V. Dokuchaev, B. Keller and others); publications on the history of botany development; exploration of the history of botanical institutions functioning.

Ye. Lavrenko, history of plant science, geo-botany, All-Union Botanical Society
  1. Kamelin, R. V. (2000). Evgeniy Mikhaylovich Lavrenko (k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Yevgeny M. Lavrenko (the 100th anniversary of his birth)]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 85, 2, 129–137. [in Russian].
  2. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1928). Pam"yati Havryla Ivanovycha Tanfil'yeva [The  memory of Gavrilo Ivanovich Tanfil'yev]. Okremyy vidbytok z 2 vypusku «Materiyaly doslidzhennya hruntiv Ukrainy» [A special mark of 2 issue of «The materials of soil research of Ukraine»]. Kharkіv: Vyd. Tsentr, ahrokhem. lab., 13–16. [in Ukrainian].
  3. Lipshits, S. Yu. (1947). Russkie botaniki. Biografo-bibliograficheskiy slovar'. T 1 [Russian botanists. Biography-bibliographical dictionary. V. 1]. Moscow: MOIP, 336. [in Russian].
  4. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1965). K 60-letiyu Sergeya Yul'yevicha Lipshitsa [For the 60th anniversary of Sergei Yul'evich Lipschitz]. Byull. MOIP, Otd. biol. [Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Department of biology]. 70, 6, 143–145. [in Russian].
  5. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1939). Znachenie rabot akad. V. L. Komarova dlya poznaniya flory Tsentral'noy Azii [The value of works of Acad. Komarov for the knowledge of the Central Asian flora]. Sov. bot. [Soviet botany]. 8, 17–23. [in Russian].
  6. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Sokolov, S. Ya. (1950). Akademik Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev. (K 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Academician Vladimir Sukachev. (The 70th anniversary of his birth)]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 35, 3, 318–328. [in Russian].
  7. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Aleksandrova, V. D. (1975). Nauchnaya, organizatsionnaya, pedagogicheskaya i obshchestvennaya deyatel'nost' V. N. Sukacheva [Scientific, organizational, educational and social activities of V. N. Sukachev] Sukachev V. N. Izbr. trudy v trekh tomakh. T. 3. Problemy fitotsenologii. [Sukachev V. N. The selected works in three volumes. V. 3. Problems of phytocenology.]. Leningrad. : Nauka, 408–494. [in Russian].
  8. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1962). Uchenie V. N. Sukacheva o biogeotsenoze [V. N. Sukachev's doctrine about the biogeocoenose]. Soobshch. Lab. lesoved. [AN SSSR]. [Reports of Forest Science Laboratory].  6, 18.  [in Russian].
  9. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1957). Pamyati Valeriya Ivanovicha Talieva. (22/ІІ 1872–21/ІІ 1932). (K 25-letiyu so dnya smerti) [The memory of Valery Ivanovich Taliev. (22 / 1872-21 II / II, 1932). (The 25th anniversary of his death)]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 42, 9, 1331–1337. [in Russian].
  10. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1968). Pamyati Nikolaya Ivanovicha Vavilova [The memory of Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 53, 4, 427–429. [in Russian].
  11. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1949). V. V. Dokuchaev i geobotanika [V. V. Dokuchaev and geobotany]. Trudy Yubileynoy sessii, posvyashchennoy stoletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Dokuchaeva. [Proceedings of Anniversary session, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. V. Dokuchaev]. Moscow– Leningrad : AN SSSR, 36–42.  [in Russian].
  12. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1946). Andrey Nikolaevich Krasnov [Andrey N. Krasnov]. Byull. MOIP, Otd. biol. [Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Department of biology]. 51, 6, 78–85. [in Russian].
  13. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1968). Vklad A. A. Yunatova v poznanie rastitel'nogo pokrova Tsentral'noy Azii [The contribution of A. A. Yunatov to the knowledge of vegetation of Central Asia]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 53, 10, 1349–1366. [in Russian].
  14. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Semenova-Tyan-Shanskaya, A. M. (1971). Pamyati Mikhaila Solomonovicha Shalyta [The memory of Michaіl S. Shalyt]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 148–156. [in Russian].
  15. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1986). Pamyati Fanni Yakovlevny Levinoy (1898–1983)  [The memory of Fanni Ya. Levinа (1898–1983)]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 71, 6, 826–829. [in Russian].
  16. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Levina, R. E.  (1970). Pamyati Sergeya Vladimirovicha Golitsyna. (21.І.1897–3.ХІ.1968) [The memory of Sergei V. Golitsyn (21.І.1897–3.ХІ.1968)]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 55, 4, 594–600.  [in Russian].
  17. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1944). K 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya i 45-letiyu nauchnoy deyatel'nosti akad. B. A. Kellera [On the 70th anniversary of birth and 45th anniversary of scientific activity of acad. B. A. Keller]. Priroda. [Nature]. 5–6, 127–131. [in Russian].
  18. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1981). K 50-letiyu Pervoy proizvodstvennoy konferentsii geobotanikov i floristov (25.ІІ–2.ІІІ. 1931 g.) [On the 50th anniversary of the First production сonference of geobotanists and florists (25.ІІ–2.ІІІ. 1931)]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 66, 10, 1512–1517. [in Russian].
  19. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1943). Razvitie osnovnykh idey sovetskoy geobotaniki (fitotsenologii) za 25 let (1917–1942). [The development of the basic ideas of the soviet geobotany (phytocoenology) for 25 years (1917–1942).]. Pochvovedenie [Soil history]. 3, 15–33. [in Russian].
  20. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1943). Regional'nye issledovaniya i kartografiya rastitel'nosti SSSR za 25 let. (1917–1942). [Regional studies and mapping of vegetation of the USSR for 25 years. (1917–1942).]. Izv. VGO. [News of the UGS]. 75, 5, 24–33. [in Russian].
  21. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Aleksandrova, V. D.  (1957). Otdel geobotaniki i ego rol' v razvitii sovetskoy geobotaniki [Department of geobotany and its role in the development of Soviet geobotany]. Ot Aptekarskogo ogoroda do Botanicheskogo instituta. Ocherki po istorii Botanicheskogo instituta AN SSSR. [From the Pharmaceutical garden to the Botanical Institute. Essays on the History of the Botanical Institute of the USSR.]. Moscow–Leningrad : AS USSR, 143–173. [in Russian].
  22. Danilova, M. F., Zalenskiy, O. V., Lavrenko, Ye. M., Yakovlev, M. S.  (1967). Razvitie botanicheskoy nauki v Sovetskom Soyuze za 50 let [The development of botanical science in the Soviet Union for 50 years]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 52, 10, 1389–1448. [in Russian].
  23. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1967). Izuchenie rastitel'nogo pokrova i razvitie geobotaniki [The study of vegetation and development of Geobotany]. Razvitie nauk o Zemle v SSSR. 1917–1967. [Development of Earth Sciences in the USSR. 1917–1967.]. Moscow: Nauka, 419–430. [in Russian].
  24. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Takhtadzhyan, A. L., Stepanenko, O. G. (1967). Institut botaniki Akademii nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR [Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 52, 7, 1044–1058. [in Russian].
  25. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Sveshnikova, V. M. (1967). Botanicheskaya geografiya i fitotsenologiya (geobotanika). [The botanical geography and phytosociology (geobotany).]. Razvitie biologii v SSSR. [1917–1967 gg.]. [The development of biology in the USSR.]. Moscow: Nauka, 41–64. [in Russian].
  26. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1960). Geobotanika [Geobotany]. Sovetskaya geografiya. Itogi i zadachi. [The Soviet geography. Results and challenges]. Moscow: Gos. izd. geogr. lit., 192–209. [in Russian].
  27. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1957). Kratkiy obzor geobotanicheskikh issledovaniy Botanicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR s 1917 po 1950 g [Summary of geobotanical studies of the Botanical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1917 to 1950]. Geobotanika. [Geobotany]. 11, 353–377. [in Russian].
  28. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Yunatov, A. A. (1965). Pyat'desyat let Vsesoyuznogo botanicheskogo obshchestva [Fifty years of the All-Union Botanical Society]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 50, 9, 1205–1247. [in Russian].
  29. Lavrenko, Ye. M., Zalenskiy, O. V. (1965). Botaniki-organizatory Russkogo botanicheskogo obshchestva. (K 50-letiyu VBO). [Botanists-organizers of the Russian Botanical Society. (On the 50th anniversary of the ABS).]. Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 50, 12, 1751–1768. [in Russian].
  30. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1966). Vsesoyuznoe botanicheskoe obshchestvo i razvitie otechestvvennoy botaniki [All-Union Botanical Society and the development of domestic botany]. Zhurn. obshch. biol. [The general biology journal]. 27, 3, 382–389. [in Russian].
  31. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (1987). Doslidzhennya roslynnosti Ukrayiny u 20-kh ta na pochatku 30-kh rokiv nashoho stolittya [The research of vegetation of Ukraine in the 20s and early 30s of this century]. Ukr. bot. zhurn. [Ukrainian Botanical Journal]. № 3, 83–89. [in Ukrainian].
  32. 32. Lavrenko, Ye. M. (2000). Vospominaniya [The memories] Bot. zhurn. [Botanical Journal]. 85, 2, 140–156. [in Russian].

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