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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 7

7 International allelopathy society: formation, structure and place of Ukraine full article
Davydenko M.
Pages: 81-99

Using the methods of concrete historical, comparative and problem-chronological analysis, it was studied the formation, structure and development of the International Allelopathy Society (IAS) during 1996–2017, and the role of Ukrainian scientists in its functioning .It was found that IAS was established during the International Symposium «Allelopathy in agriculture, forestry and the natural environment», held in New Delhi (India) on 3–9 September,1994. Reconstructing of the history of formation and functioning of the International Allelopathy Society structure and the groundwork of A.M. Grodzinskyi’s scientific school, would allow Ukrainian scientists to resume international cooperation with leading international research centers of allelopathic researches through participation in the World Congresses of allelopathy and publications in IAS journals.

allelopathy, International Allelopathy Society, World Congress of Allelopathy, A.M. Grodzinskyi, E.A. Holovko
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