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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 6

6 Starting of scientific studies in technical sciences at the Kharkov practical technological institute (by the example of scientific achievements of P. Mukhachov) full article
Gutnyk M.
Pages: 69-80

Establishment of steam-locomotive building teaching in Kharkiv practical technological institute at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX century is shown. Scientific, organizational and pedagogical work of Petro Mukhachov is analyzed. Some information about family of future scientist and his childhood are given. Becoming of P. Mukhachov as a specialist is considered. In particular, facts about his work as engineer at the Nizhniy Tagil's factories are expounded. Attention is accented on the maiden attempts of teaching activity.

The new stage of multidisciplinary work of P. Mukhachov became his activity in the Kharkiv practical technological institute (from 1898 KhTI). Here the scientist was not only the lecturer of fundamental disciplines but also developed own new courses, published several monographs. He sought recognition as a specialist in industry of steam-locomotive building. In the article, the activity of P. Mukhachov is analyzed as secretary of the Educational committee and also as first elected director of KhTI. Difficulties with which he had to face as a new director are shown.

On the basis of archived documents introduction to the scientific rotation the scientific biography of leading scientist-mechanic is specified.

Information about saving of memory about P. Mukhachov is presented.

Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute, P. Mukhachov, director of KhTI, engineering sciences, steam-locomotive building in Ukraine
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