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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 5

5 The founder of thermophysical bases of processing and welding of metals and plasma rocessesin metallurgy – academician M. Rykalin full article
Geruk S., Sukmaniuk E.
Pages: 59-68

The article examines the main stages, research and organizational work of the famous scientist and engineer-inventor Nicholas Rykalina. His contribution to the development of electric arc welding is being studied. Revealed some merit in the theory of thermal processes developed, which became the basis for the development of welding processes, which affect the substance highly concentrated energy - thermal plasma, electron beam, ion fluxes, the laser radiation. Described of M. Rykalina aimed at studying energy-physical, physico-chemical and technological characteristics of the arc.

Deals with the work of specialists “Institute of Metallurgy and material science behalf AA Baikov” under the direction of M. Rykalina, their contribution to the development process to maximize the concentration of thermal and kinetic energy condensed arc.

inventor M. Rykalin, welding, thermal processes theory
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