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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 4

4 The scientific school of prof. P. Golodryga (1920–1986) on development of viticulture full article
Bernar N.
Pages: 47-58

The aim of the article is to trace the preconditions for the formation of scientific school of Prof. P. Golodryga and main directions of his scientist's activity, his students and followers and their contribution to the development of viticulture in the Ukraine and in the world on the base of scientific works, reminiscence of contemporaries of Prof. P. Golodryga (1920–1986) and materials from his personal archive. As a result of the researches it is established that the team of his students under his leadership solved three scientific problems: 1- obtaining grape varieties of early ripening periods with short vegetation period and small sum of active temperatures for most of viticultural zones of the former USSR; 2- obtaining grape varieties with complex resistance to unfavorable biotic and abiotic factors; 3- improving of selection process in the direction of breeding dates for new grape varieties. It is established that 27 Candidate's and Doctor's thesis are prepared and defended under the leadership of the scientist.

P. Golodryga, All-Union scientific-research institute of wine-making and viticulture «Magarach», scientific school, selection and biophysics of grape
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