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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 2

2 Problems of scientific support of agricultural sector in the first years’ activity of agricultural scientific committee of Ukraine full article
Bardyn O.
Pages: 17-28

In the article the preconditions for becoming of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, headed by Academician V. Vernadsky is investigated. The basic tasks placed before the Committee, including the coordination of research institutions People's Commissariat of Land Affairs related to agriculture, and the promotion and financially support of the proper training of necessary scientific experts are analyzed. Determined numbers of problems of scientific maintenance of activity of Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine are relevant in today's conditions. Goal of this article is a reproduction of history of the creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences’ forerunners, namely Agricultural Science Committee of Ukraine, researching the problems of its activities and achievements. The methodological basis of research is the general principles of objectivity, historicism, providing objective analysis and reproduction of events on the basis of scientific and critical study of various sources.

Agricultural science, People's Commissariat of Land Affairs, Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, the Botanical Section, Economic Section, scientific research work
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