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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2017 No. 1
Article No. 1

1 The concept of science and technology policy in the electrical machine building of the Ukrainian SSR in the period of the new economic policy (1921-1931 yrs.) full article
Annenkov I.
Pages: 1-16

The article defines the concept of science and technology policy in the Ukrainian Electrical Engineering during 1921-1931 years. And the main factor of influence on its formation. To accomplish this, revealed initial state of sectoral scientific and technological potential, identified and analyzed government steps aimed at its strengthening in NEP conditions. It was established that opportunities provided by NEP for this purpose were not used. Management system of scientific and technical development of Republican electric cars industry was built solely on the basis of administrative control of this process with background of preventive increasing of production capacity of public sector industry.

science and technology policy, electromechanical engineering, scientific support, new economic policy, industrial power, electric drive
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