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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2016 — № 2

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council
of National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS
August 26, 2016 (Minutes № 8)

1 Аpostol М.  Problem of preservation of gene pool farm animals on history of in domestic animal science  
2 Blyzniuk M.  Features and economic development of «State research center of medicines» in the second half of the century  
3 Bоndur Т.  The collection of branch newspapers of the XIX century (1856 - 1900) in the funds of National Scientific Agricultural Library of the NAAS  
4 Horban Yu.  Historiographical analysis and characterics of a source base as constituents of dissertation research in speciality "History of science and technique"  
5 Hryshchenko T.  The network of correspondents of Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine as an example of public initiatives in the development of branch research case  
6 Deforzh H.  The research of M. Pavlova of lower ammonites fossil  
7 Zozulia A.  The scientific and organizational activities of native historian P. Kurinnyj (1920s - early 1940s)  
8 Kisil M.  The development of economics and education in Kharkiv National Agrarian University named V.V. Dokuchaev for its 200-year history  
9 Коvalenko N.  The evolution of application mathematical statistics methods for processing of results of field experiments in agriculture in Ukraine (second half of XIX – beginning of XXI centuries)  
10 Koniva Yu.  The history formation of the system of the bridges and their exploitation in Sloboda Ukraine in XVIII century  
11 Lutik T.  The Evolution of approaches to definition of terms of scientific and technological, innovation potentials  
12 Mandybura I.  The environment preserving views of O.S. Fedorovsky (1885–1939) in the context of the functioning of the Ukrainian committee for preserving monuments of nature  
13 Pilipchuk O. O.  Legist O.F. Kistyakovsky (1833–1885) about a value and aims of Kiev Law Society (1877–1918)  
14 Pilipchuk O. Ya.  Evolutional theory as basis for the study of factors and conformities to law of development of wild-life  
15 Sukchenko I.  The history of physical culture in socio-cultural context (from antiquity to the present day)  
16 Fedorova T.  Scientific-practical activities of historical and cultural reserves of Cherkasy region  
17 Yudina K.  Scientific activities of E.N. Bakeeva in the context of the development of scientific institutions on the physiology of digestion in pigs (20–80 years XX century)  

Title page of Edition
© National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS, 2016