Title |
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Apostol M. The scientific search of academician M. V. Zubets in the context of the doctrine of the breed formation in animal husbandry |
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Balyan Iz. Scientific and organizational activities N. Kuleshov in-union Institute of plant (December 1925 – March 1933) |
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Bey R. The construction of machines for collecting herbs and preparation of dry forages in the USSR: historical aspects |
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Virovets V., Layko Ir., Gorshkova L., Kirichenko An. From dioecious and at the same time maturing to monoecious non-narcotic hemp crop. 115 anniversary from birthday of academician M. M. Gryshko |
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Horban Yur., Horban T. One of the founder Ukrainian Academy of Sciences: Nikolai Prokopovich Vasylenko (On the 150th anniversary of his birth) |
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Gryn G., Kuznietsov P. Historical patterns of the natural gas usage in the chemical industry |
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Dashevskii Іh. Genetically modified plants and risks release to the environment. Development and problems investigations |
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Drozd P. Development of geobotanical studies in Ukraine in 20-30’s of XX century |
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Zosimov Ih. From the history of the reorganization of the Ukrainian research institute of economics and agriculture organization (1928–1937): search with political implications |
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Kovalenko Sv. Collective farm research business in the life and in the creative heritage of agricultural sciences honorary academician T.S. Maltsev: Ukrainian motives |
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Kotsur G. Modern scientists about development and economic growth of Zaporizhzhia in the period of ataman Petro Kalnyshevsky |
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Pasichnyk N. Professor I.I. Patlayevskyy: essays on biography and scientific heritage |
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Rizhniak R. Petro Yosypovych Vomachko (1894–1941) – the first dean of the department of physics and mathematics of the Kirovohrad pedagogical institute |
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Romanyuk N. Kostiantyn Vobliy’s the 140-th anniversary of the birth of scientist |
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Sinyagina K. Internship of George Gamow in Goettingen University: an important step in "big" science |
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Slesarenko Ol. Role of government authorities of Ukrainian SSR in the formation of ethnic education (1920 – the beginning of the 1930s.): modern scientific dimension |
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Tatarchuk L. Historiography understanding of contribution of Poltava Experimental Field at development of agronomy and stock-breeding the end of the ХІХ century – the first third of the ХХ century |
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Fedyun Ol. Historical science in the USSR in 1950–1980: historiographical dimension |
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Harik T. Contribution Dublyany Field Crops Schools (academy) in the development of agricultural science and research business in eastern Galicia (mid XIX – early XX century) |
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Shchebetyuk N. Transformations of system scientific support agricultural sector in the USSR (1931–1935) |
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Yatsentiy Bog. Life and career professor Alexander Tihonovich Kalachykova (1902–1982) |
Reviews |
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Panchenko P.P. Review of the monograph: Bey R.V. The evolution of scientific thought in the mechanization and automation of animal husbandry in the Ukrainian SSR (20-80-s years of the XX century.) / NAAS, NSAL; science editor, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAAS V. A. Vergunov. – Vinnitsa "Nilan-LTD", 2015. – 380 p. – ("Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in persons, documents, bibliography," book 90) |