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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2015 — № 3

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council
of National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS
October 23, 2015 (Minutes № 14)

1 Araslanova Snezhana N.  Development of historical science in the historical society of Nestor the Chronicler  
2 Bachkala Оlena V.  Academician E. V. Oppokov – the founder of native scientific research in the field of hydrology (the 145 th anniversary of his birth)  
3 Horban Yurii An., Horban Tatiana Yur.  History of science and technique: introduction to the dissertation (scientific and methodological advices)  
4 Docenko Viktor O.  Jewish community land arrangement in Ukraine in early twentieth century  
5 Ivanytska Liliya V.  Semen Korsakov (1787–1853) – first developer «the intellectual machines»  
6 Krugliakov Viktor Ye.  The modern European science and technique in historical and philosophical comprehension of Karl Yaspers  
7 Kuybida Victor V., Dovga Ludmila V.  Classification of folk names of human and animal deseases  
8 Novorodovskyi Valerii V.  Working out the projects of natural agricultural UAS institutions during its organizational formation (July-November 1918)  
9 Rizhniak Renat Yar.  History of scientific research computer science and automation of manufacturing processes in Kharkiv Polytechnic University during the twentieth century  
10 Svystovych Stepan M.  The concept of histirical research of civil movement in Soviet Ukraine in modern scientific discourse  
11 Sytnikova Anastasia S.  Formation and scientific activity of Nemerchanska, Uladivska, Illinetska, Myronivska plant-breeding stations  
12 Skakalska Irуna B.  Prosopohrafichnyy portrait of scientists of Western Volhynia in the first half of twentieth century  
13 Tarakhnenko Liudmyla L.  Changes in the characteristics of division of religious communities in Ukraine by ethnicity (1990th–2000s)  
14 Sharavara Tamara A.  Poltava period in the history of Vilno Military Infantry School (1915–1917), or “Even one soldier can fight!”  
15 Shulga Volodymyr P.  Strokes to the portrait sketches of the Heads of Poltava research fields  
16 Shchebetyuk Natalya B.  Construction academic system agricultural science in Ukraine in the early 30 s. twentieth century  
17 Yuschenko Petro An.  Traditions of Kievan Rus as an ideologically tool of Bolshevik and Stalinist political regime  

Zhurba M. A.  Review. on a monograph : Kovalenko N. P. Becoming and development of scientifically-organizational bases of application of home crop rotations in systems of agriculture (the second half of ХІХ – beginning of ХХІ century): monograph / N. P. Kovalenko [after the scientific release of V. A. Vergunov]. – K. : LTD «Nilan-LTD», 2014. – 490 s.  

Title page of Edition
© National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS, 2015