 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
14 |
full article |
SHKIRA Luidmila
Pages: |
221-241 |
Summary |
The article examines the creation of a museum exposition and tools of craftsmen for the manufacture and maintenance of vehicles. The Museum of National Land Transport of the Central Dnieper Region of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav» was established in 1993. The exposition at the present stage includes 7 structural subdivisions, one of which is a production complex for the production and maintenance of technical equipment.
The relevance of the research of the stated topic is that by researching tools and technical means, we thereby try to analyze the state of development of transport that was manufactured at home, methods of its manufacture and maintenance in the 19th – mid-20th centuries, the possibilities of preservation possibilities and further conditions for the collection of exhibits and their presentation in the exposition.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the development of an important issue that has not yet been the subject of a special ethnographic study, since most researchers who have touched on this topic to one degree or another have developed only certain aspects of it.
The purpose of the study is the analysis of the production complex for the manufacture and maintenance of vehicles in the territory of the Middle Dnipro region in a historical and comparative context. To achieve the set goal, it is appropriate to solve the research tasks: analyze the course of preparation and creation of the museum exposition and collection of exhibits; find out the essence and procedure of operation of technical devices, features of functional application, operational characteristics and original design; to show further ways of preserving and improving the exposition.
Keywords |
forge, wheelman, machine tools, anvil, bugle, wood
References |
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