 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
09 |
full article |
SHCHEBETIUK Nataliia, KUCHER Volodymyr
Pages: |
115-132 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of the formation of scientific support for the development of agriculture in Ukraine in the first quarter of the last century. Applying the principles of historicism, scientific knowledge, objectivity and interdependence of the general, logical and developmental connection, the main factors influencing the functionality of the relationship between agronomists, scientists, peasants and state bodies were revealed. The consequences of positive changes in the agricultural sphere at the beginning of the last century are substantiated, primarily thanks to the active activity of agricultural societies, agronomists, zemstvos and the interest of farmers. It has been proven that the scientific and organizational component was developing, the popularization of new agronomic knowledge, the publication of popular scientific literature, and the strengthening of state support. All together contributed to the creation of an effective mechanism of cooperation of all participants in the process and, most importantly, to an increase in the productivity of agriculture. However, military and revolutionary events and phenomena destroyed not only economic objects, but also the well-established communicative environment of industry specialists and peasants. In difficult conditions, agrarian scientists continued their scientific and organizational activities, and the Bolshevik authorities created an ideological toolkit for their further domination.
Keywords |
agronomy, research, agriculture, food crisis, development, scientific support
References |
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