 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
07 |
full article |
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81-97 |
Summary |
The article continues the author's previous research on the evolution of scientific views on identifying the xenobiotic properties of synthetic substances used by humans in various sectors of the economy, with the development of modern ecology. In the second half of the XX century, when the idea (modern paradigm) of "the connection of everything with everything" became dominant in Environmental Research, the modern stage (1970 – present) of its development was formed in the history of the formation of ecology as a science. It was realized, albeit belatedly, the need for simultaneous and accurate consideration of all changes in the natural environment due to the development of the Earth's spheres and the impact of human activity on it. The problem of averting the global environmental crisis has raised the issue of combining all scientific knowledge and branches of practical activity on a single scientific basis and defined a single task for all: to investigate the nature and extent of environmental pollution associated with human activity, the degree of their danger and the possibility of neutralization, ways of ecologization of production, saving and reproduction of natural resources. There was a need for scientific knowledge on which to base regulations and safety assessment of synthetic chemicals and drugs, which became an important motivation for the study of xenobiotics. It is established that at this time the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) was established, which became the main scientific organization for researchers interested in the metabolism and effects of foreign substances on living organisms. Since the 60s and 70s, the boundaries of toxicology have expanded significantly and it has developed into the science of the pathology of xenobiotics on living organisms, that is, ecological toxicology or environmental toxicology has emerged. In the late XX and early XXI centuries, much attention in Ukraine began to be paid to the issue of predicting harm and risk assessment, including the «risk-benefit» criterion for toxic substances. Industrial and agricultural ecotoxicology is actively developing. Lev Ivanovich Medved (1905-1982) made a significant contribution to the development of agricultural labor and pesticide toxicology. His organizational activity as the director of the Kyiv Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases from 1952 to 1964, and then from 1964 to 1982 as the director of the All-Union Research Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology of Pesticides, Polymers and Plastics contributed to the creation of creative scientific teams that occupy leading positions in the field of agricultural labor both in Ukraine and abroad. In modern scientific research, Ukrainian scientists have studied the dynamics of accumulation of residual amounts of pesticides produced in the late XX – early XXI centuries and continue to study the xenobiotic properties of pesticides used to protect crops. To this day, the Institute of Plant Protection of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine remains the main institution of the Scientific and Methodological Center in our country for the implementation of the scientific research program «Plant Protection». The studies indicate the need to accelerate the study of the toxic properties of xenobiotics used in various spheres of life and their impact on the environment.
Keywords |
ecology, evolution of scientific views, xenobiotics, xenobiotic research, ecotoxicology, pesticides
References |
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