 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
06 |
full article |
Pages: |
71-80 |
Summary |
V. V. Stanchinsky (1882–1942?) is known to a small number of modern biologists and historians of biology. This researcher of nature created his program for the development of ecology and testified that the roots of this science lie in zoogeographical science. In 1922, he claimed that the formation of general laws of distribution and distribution of animals, as well as their evolution, are based on ecological principles. In his ecological concept, he assigned a special place to the formation of environmental protection legislation, which he connected with the development of the factors of the biocenological existence of organisms. V. V. Stanchinskyi is one of the first authors who became interested in the problems and prospects of the development of nature protection. Among these are O. A. Yanata, S. G. Averin, D. M. Kashkarov, I. I. Puzanov, O. O. Browner and, of course, V. V. Stanchinsky. As one of the founders of ecological science in Ukraine, he was, together with this, an active figure in nature protection and developed the protected business. His role in the formation and development of environmental legislation is felt in all his works. Outstanding Russian evolutionist and historian of biology E. M. Mirzoyan is deeply convinced that the biocenological concept of V. V. Stanchinsky is an outstanding achievement of teоretic ecology. E. M. Mirzoyan expressed his convictions, confirms the analysis of works of the ecological direction of V. V. Stanchinsky, in which issues of environmental legislation, protection of the surrounding biological world, and finally, the creation of nature reserves, occupy the main place in the scientific activity of the scientist. It should also be noted that the scientist created his biocenological concept during a difficult time - the beginning of industrialization in the former USSR, which transformed the landscapes of entire regions. And it was necessary to have courage and courage to preach ecological values when the grandiose destruction of nature was taking place in Ukraine.
Keywords |
ecology, V. V. Stanchinskyi, environmental legislation, biocenology
References |
- Brodskiy, A. L., Kashkarov, D. N., & Stanchinskiy, V. V. (1912). Zoologicheskaya hrestomatiya [Zoological reader]. Moskva [In Russian].
- Stanchinskiy, V. V. (1927). Izmenchivost organizmov i ee znachenie v evolyutsii [The variability of organisms and its significance in evolution]. Smolensk, pp. 1-55 [In Russian].
- Stanchinskiy, V. V. (1927). Ekologicheskaya evolyutsiya i formirovanie faun [Ecological evolution and formation of faunas]. Trudyi Smolenskogo obsch-va estestvoispyitateley i vrachey – Proceedings of the Smolensk Society of Naturalists and Physicians. Smolensk, vol. 2, pp. 189-204 [In Russian].
- Stanchinskiy, V. V. (1931). O nekotoryih osnovnyih ponyatiyah zoologii v svete sovremennoy ekologii [About some basic concepts of zoology in the light of modern ecology]. Trudyi Chetvertogo Vsesoyuzn. s'ezda zoologov, anatomov i gistologov v Kieve 6–12 maya 1930 g. – Proceedings of the Fourth All-Union. congress of zoologists, anatomists and histologists in Kyiv, May 6–12, 1930. Kiev; Harkov, pp. 42-43 [In Russian].
- Stanchinskiy, V. V. (1933). K ponimaniyu biotsenozov. Problemyi biotsenologii [To the understanding of biocenoses. Problems of biocenology]. Trudyi Sektora zoologii Zoologo-biologicheskogo instituta pri Harkovskom gosuniversitete – Proceedings of the Department of Zoology of the Zoological and Biological Institute at Kharkov State University. Harkov, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 20-37 [In Russian].
- Stanchinskiy, V. V. (1933). Sreda zhizni i ee podrazdeleniya. Problemyi biotsenologii [The environment and its subdivisions. Problems of biocenology]. Trudyi Sektora zoologii Zoologo-biologicheskogo instituta pri Harkovskom gosuniversitete – Proceedings of the Department of Zoology of the Zoological and Biological Institute at Kharkov State University. Harkov, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38-56 [In Russian].
- Stanchinskiy, V. V. (1933). Teoreticheskie osnovyi aklimatizatsii zhivotnyih [Theoretical foundations of animal acclimatization]. Trudyi Instituta s-h gibridizatsii i aklimatizatsii zhivotnyih v Askaniya-Nova – Proceedings of the Institute of Agricultural Hybridization and Acclimatization of Animals in Askania-Nova. Moskva; Leningrad, vol. 1, pp. 33-66 [In Russian].