 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
04 |
full article |
KRUT’ Mykhailo
Pages: |
46-58 |
Summary |
The article presents scientific and historical materials about activity of Areshnikov Borys Andriyovych (1922–1998), who is a famous scientist in the field of agricultural entomology, doctor of biological sciences, professor. B. A. Areshnikov devoted 45 years of his life to the development of domestic agricultural science. For 35 years, his scientific activity has been associated with the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Plant Protection. B. A. Areshnikov substantiated zonal systems of measures to protect grain crops from eurygaster bug, Anisoplia austriaca beetles, aphids and other pests. It was shown that in the development of eurygaster bug and the host plant, a synchronous and asynchronous nature of the relationship is observed. It is noted that usually a sharp increase in the number of this pest is preceded by no less than a two-year period of its synchronous development. A technique has been developed for using the indicator of the live weight of bedbugs to predict the number of eurygaster bug. Improved methods of protecting winter wheat from a complex of pests have been substantiated and developed, such as eurygaster bug, cereal aphids, flies, Cnephasia pasiuana, ground beetles, etc. An invaluable scientific contribution has been made to the development of the concept of economic thresholds of harmfulness. Important principles of rationalizing the chemical method of protecting grain crops against pests have been formulated. A scientific school was formed by scientist.
Keywords |
B. A. Areshnikov, agricultural entomology, grain crops (cereals), pests, economic threshold of harmfulness, plant protection, chemical method, scientific school
References |
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