 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
Pages: |
260-274 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article was to explore the activities of the National Scientific Agricultural Library during the 60-70s of the XX century on issues of scientific and information support for industry scientists and specialists of the country. When conducting the study, general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, classification, as well as historical methods of scientific knowledge: problem-chronological, comparative-historical and retrospective. According to the results of the study, it was found that in the late 50s of the XX century a number of resolutions were adopted that contributed to the development of librarianship in the country. It has been established that in 1969 the institution received the status of a methodological center for agricultural libraries, and its specialists annually planned and systematically traveled to the libraries of the subordinate network to provide the latter with theoretical and practical, as well as to get acquainted with the experience of their work. It has been established that information days, traveling thematic book exhibitions, etc. were an important form of propaganda of agrarian literature. The activities of the library for information and bibliographic services for specialists of governing, branch bodies and enterprises, as well as domestic and foreign scientists are considered. So, for 1971-1972 years more than 100 bibliographic thematic references were prepared by the institution specialists. Data on the number of library users, interlibrary loan subscriptions in the specified period are given. It has been established that a lot of work was carried out by the employees of the institution in the preparation and publication of the bibliographic indexes "Achievement of science and best practices for agricultural production", "Pests and diseases of winter wheat and measures to combat them" (1966), "Chemicalization of animal husbandry" (1966), "Rational types of feeding farm animals and poultry" (1967), "Scientists of Kharkov region − agriculture and forestry" (1968), etc., as well as the newsletter "New Books". It was found that the library specialists paid great attention to the dissemination of bibliographic knowledge among readers. For this purpose, the publication "Propaganda of library and bibliographic knowledge in agricultural libraries" was prepared, on the pages of which the ways of implementing this issue and recommendations for introducing it into the practice of libraries were given.
Keywords |
National Scientific Agricultural Library, readers, information support, bibliography, propaganda of literature
References |
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