 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
Pages: |
164-203 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is an attempt to reproduce the "new family history" of the Sokalsky family in the context of biographical studies and the research of the contribution of its representatives to the socio-cultural life of Ukraine in the 18th – 20th centuries.
The Sokalsky family, whose same representatives remain unknown to the general public, gave not only Ukraine (but also other countries of the world) talented masters (musicians, composers, artists), publicists, scientists and public figures in the fields of economics, statistics and agriculture. The Sokalsky are intellectuals who shaped the cultural, educational and scientific life of Odesa and Kharkiv in the 18th – 20th centuries, and also enriched the socio-cultural space of Ukraine, Yugoslavia and Russia with their creativity.
The theoretical and methodological basis of writing the article is various methods and approaches from special historical disciplines –- genealogy, sociology, biographical studies, which are used in every prosopographic study. The principles of "contextual biography" are used, the important task of which is to present the life activities of a person and a specialist not only in the context of the socio-cultural features of a specific era, but also in contacts with their relatives and the closest environment. In addition, the principles of the network/chain approach, which is also used in the construction of "collective biographies", are tested.
The genealogical tree of the Sokalsky family – an ancient Cossack generation, originating from the last head of the Sich churches, Archimandrite Volodymyr Sokalskyi, is partially reproduced. The main milestones of the life and creativities of Petro Ivanovych Sokalskyi – state adviser, professor of political economy at Kharkiv University; Ivan Petrovych Sokalskyi – economist and statistician, professor of Kharkiv University; Mykola Petrovych Sokalskyi – journalist, publicist and editor of the newspaper "Odesa Herald"; Petro Petrovych Sokalskyi – composer, public figure, journalist; Leonid Petrovych Sokalskyi – agronomist, soil scientist, author of papers on social agronomy; Volodymyr Ivanovych Sokalskyi – composer, pianist, music critic, publicist; Danylo Illich Ginetsynskyi – trumpeter, soloist-cornetist of the Mariinsky Theater; and other family members are analyzed.
Keywords |
family biography, "collective biography", "new family history", prosopography, Ivan Sokalskyi, Mykola Sokalskyi, Petro Sokalskyi, Leonid Sokalskyi, Danylo Ginetsynskyi, "Odesa Herald", Imperial Agricultural Society of Southern Russia
References |
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