 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
05 |
full article |
Pages: |
59-70 |
Summary |
The article, based on the application of a historical approach, substantiates the specifics of the scientific activity of the Katerynoslav Research Station, which operated in 1918–1925. The purpose of historical research was to clarify the role of the Katerynoslav Research Station in the development of agricultural science in Ukraine. It was established that the main activity of the station was conducting research on agricultural technology, plant protection, selection and seed production of both major and rare crops. A number of new varieties of agricultural plants have been bred. Surveys of varieties of garden crops were carried out with the aim of implementing new effective measures for the cultivation of these crops. The history of the development of animal husbandry as one of the leading branches of agricultural production and the direction of science in different periods of the development of Ukrainian society was studied. The fodder issue, rational nutrition of animals and improvement of local breeds by crossing with high-yielding breeds were studied.
The history of the formation and development of the Katerynoslav Research Station is analyzed. The role of the institution in the development of agricultural affairs – a component of the culture of agronomy – is characterized. The results of research work are summarized, which later became an example for other institutions of this type. The achievements of the station that glorified the institution on a global scale and its achievements in today's conditions are highlighted.
Keywords |
experimental station, scientific institution, cattle breeding, field farming, phytopathology, horticulture
References |
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