 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
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31-45 |
Summary |
The purpose of the study is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the scientific contribution of the professor of the Higher Agricultural School in Dublyany Tomas Rylsky to the development of the mechanization of agricultural work, easing the work of peasants through the prism of the era and historical events in which the scientist lived.
When achieving the goal of the research, methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization were used.
Our analysis of the creative works of Professor Tomasz Rylsky made it possible to assess the scientist's contribution to the development of agricultural mechanics in Galicia. The creative achievements of Professor Rylsky, as one of the creators of agricultural mechanics in Dublyany, a teacher, the founder of the department of rural engineering, had a significant impact on the understanding of the stages of development of agricultural research in general and agricultural mechanics in particular.
The scientific significance of the work of Professor T. Rylsky is revealed in the systematization and detailed assessment of various agricultural machines and tools presented in his works. The work of the scientist allowed the farmers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to approach the selection of agricultural equipment, its use and, especially, maintenance more systematically. His work helped to significantly reduce errors in the operation of machines and equipment, increase the efficiency of their use, and raise the level of productivity in field cultivation.
We can say with confidence that Professor Tomash Rylsky is a significant figure in the history of the development of domestic education, science and technology in the second half of the 19th century. not only on the territory of Galicia, but also in modern Ukraine and Poland.
Keywords |
Tomash Rylsky, agricultural mechanics, threshers, plows, analysis of the structure of agricultural tools
References |
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