 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
Pages: |
323-335 |
Summary |
The place of the NSAL of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in the formation of personal indicators has been determined as a component of the national agricultural bibliography. The development of indicators is highlighted, and its role -----are evaluated. Illuminated development and evaluated their role in the further conduct of the open information and communication policy regarding maximum satisfaction information needs of society to obtain a complete picture bibliographical agricultural resource. The valuer of bibliographic indexes is noted. The presented wide bibliography became a basis of the majority of previous works, and at the same time a foundation for writing new scientific studies.
The methodological basis was formed by the principles of historicism, objectivity, and scientific approach. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, logical, and generalization), special historical methods (problem-chronological, personalization, biographical) were used to uncover the problem. The complex application of these methods contributed to the acquisition of a new knowledge, determining their value, and reflecting the content.
It has been proven that personal indicators are one of the most important sources of information and occupy a dominant place in the system of documentary communications, and therefore influence not only the bibliographic provision of agricultural research field, but also science as a whole. Personal bibliography plays a significant role in scientific research, because the central figure of any scientific the process is a person, his creative assets. Personal pointers as a variety of the bibliographic manual do not lose their importance today, they are important component of the national agricultural bibliography. Revealed structure of a typical personal index of the NSAL of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, containing clear information presentation system, brevity of presentation, factuality, and versatility of the presented material. By various means, they reveal the individual's contribution to the development of the agricultural field of knowledge, which allows to more fully represent the scientist's scientific activity and increase scientific auxiliary function of the edition.
Keywords |
biobibliography, personal bibliography, personal index, National Scientific Agricultural Library, biobibliographic manual, personal bibliographic manual
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