 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
Pages: |
309-322 |
Summary |
The results of research on the development from traditional to automated information and search systems are presented. Information and search systems (ISS) are considered through the prism of the formation of the reference and search apparatus of the NSAL of the NAAS. An example of a reference and search device is the catalogs (card and electronic) of the library, where information is clearly divided into certain departments and sections for quick finding. Documentary information and search systems search according to bibliographic criteria. The main content of the document information and search system is the text. The main unit is a bibliographic description of the primary source.
The search functions of the information and search system are defined. Traditional systems allow you to quickly and accurately find the necessary information, since the card (library catalogs) information and search system is formed according to the alphabet, systematization and objectification. Digital system allows you to find information using a computer and words entered into it. The information obtained with the help of a computer is much more extensive than that obtained with the help of a traditional library card catalog: the result of a word search is a large number of files that contain at least one of the words entered in the search conditions, or all the words at the same time, or words in sentences.
It was found that the features of card and digital information and search systems are that the search process goes through several stages: it is necessary to formulate an information request, perform an information search, and view the results. The advantages of digital information systems over card systems are obvious, their capabilities significantly exceed card information and search systems: they are easy to use, quickly find information, carry out accurate searches, and constantly increase the number of information resources. But at the same time, they have a number of disadvantages, in particular, they provide many links to information that do not always correspond to the user's information request; indexing methods, as a rule, are not related to the content of the information.
It has been proven that a characteristic feature of today is the increase in the production of information in electronic form. One cannot disagree with the opinion that the future of libraries lies not only in holding funds, but in providing access to information to improve the library's communicativeness and ensure a qualitatively new level of interaction with society.
Keywords |
information search system, databases, library, document, catalogs, digital catalog, information space, user
References |
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