 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
11 |
full article |
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201-218 |
Summary |
The article deals with the exhibition activity as one of the ways to spread agricultural knowledge by the extracurricular way on the example of Uman-Lypovets Agricultural Society and Uman School of Horticulture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the context of the history of formation and development of regional agricultural science and education. The methodological basis of the research is the general scientific principles of historical reliability, scientific objectivity, system and continuity, which provide a comprehensive coverage of the selected issue. The source base of the study covers a wide range of published and unpublished sources and consists of archival materials, periodicals and reports.
The educational and demonstration activity of Uman-Lypovets Agricultural Society is analyzed and the main directions of its activity are determined. It has been found that agricultural and educational events in the region took place due to the activities of the said society. Extensive educational activities of the society ensured the holding of agricultural exhibitions in Kyiv and other cities of the region. The society carried out all local activities and directly contributed to the rise of agriculture. It is established that Uman-Lypovets Agricultural Society was one of the centers of formation and development of scientific thought, around which were concentrated and combined different areas of research and educational activities in agronomy. It is proved that Uman-Lypovets Agricultural Society, using various methods of agronomic influence (extracurricular dissemination of agricultural knowledge as well as educational, demonstration and organizational methods), made the first attempts to organize practical agronomic assistance to the rural population of the region. It was engaged in organizational and technical improvement of small farms and contributed to the improvements in the farms, which were promoted and implemented by the agronomic organization of the society.
It was found that the active exhibition activity of Uman School of Horticulture played an extremely important role in the extracurricular popularization and spread of agricultural knowledge. Carrying out extensive educational work in the region, the school has repeatedly been awarded gold and silver medals and other honorary awards for significant achievements in agriculture and provided exemplary exhibits. It also contributed to the development and improvement of all sectors of agricultural production in Cherkasy region.
It is proved that in the general system of agronomic assistance to the peasant agriculture, the exhibition activity as a form of spread of agricultural knowledge out of school, occupied an important place and contributed to the development of agricultural education and science of those days
Keywords |
agricultural exhibitions, Uman-Lypovets Agricultural Society, Uman School of Horticulture, extracurricular education, agricultural science
References |
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