 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
Pages: |
186-200 |
Summary |
The purpose of this research is an attempt to reconstruct some aspects of the biography of Prince Volodymyr Monomakh, related to his marital relationship. Marital relationship of Rus’ princes was always related to various military and political events in the life of Kyivan Rus’ and alliance agreements concluded by the princes. The authors have the task to analyze the data of chronicles and other written sources that contain information about the wives of one of the most famous Rus’ princes Volodymyr Monomakh and to reconstruct the chronology and circumstances of all three his marriages.
Chronicle sources contain extremely little information about the wives of Volodymyr Monomakh, which is very important for the reconstruction of his biography, as well as the system of military and political relations of the leading Rus’ princes of the last quarter of the 11th - beginning of the 12th century. At the same time, information about the death of these wives, as well as about the birth of children by them (primarily sons) and information from Western European sources allows to reconstruct some facts of the biography of this outstanding prince and according to this information to find out the important trends of socio-economic and political development of Rus’ at that time. First time Volodymyr Monomakh got married to the daughter of the last crowned Anglo-Saxon English king Harold Godwinson in the spring of 1074. It was connected with attempts to establish alliance between Prince of Pereiaslav Vsevolod Yaroslavych and the German king Henry IV. To restrain Cumans aggression by concluding an alliance agreement with other Cumans groups Volodymyr Monomakh secondly independently got married at the end of 1098 - at the beginning of 1099. His third marriage was similar to it in January 1108. Volodymyr Monomakh and Prince of Chernihiv Oleh Svyatoslavych married their young sons to daughters of two Cumans khans named Ayep. Thus, the history of Volodymyr Monomakh's marital relationship is directly related to the military and political history of Rus’. In our opinion, expanding the range of sources by archaeological, epigraphic or sphragistic finds, will allow further verification of the proposed hypotheses and statements.
Keywords |
Volodymyr Monomakh, marital relations, Pereiaslavl of Rus’, prince, wives, Gytha of Wessex, mother of Yurii, Princess and wife of Volodymyr
References |
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