 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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full article |
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96-118 |
Summary |
The relevance of the study is determined by the great public and scientific significance of the scientific creativity of M. O. Zarudnyi in the zoological science of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the lack of a special comprehensive study of his life, scientific, scientific-organizational and pedagogical activities in the history of science, the need to create the most objective and complete scientific biography of the scientist, a comprehensive analysis of his creative output, as well as the importance of introducing a mass of new sources into wide scientific circulation. The purpose of the study is to reproduce a complete picture of the development of zoological science due to the comprehensive coverage of the life path, scientific, pedagogical and educational activities of M. O. Zarudnyi, his contribution to the development of biological science.
Simultaneously with the above, the analysis of the creative heritage of M. O. Zarudnyi allows us to trace the difficult paths of development of the theory and practice of rational nature management and nature protection in the Russian Empire, and therefore in the RSFSR and the Soviet Union at the end of the 19th – the first third of the 20th centuries. Knowledge of the history of the formation of the scientific and legal foundations of hunting science also gives reason to recognize the scientist's work as an important role in the achievements of the modern level by these branches of science and practical management.
The modern revival of naturalistic biology, the study of nature as a whole, make the scientific legacy of M. O. Zarudnyi is more significant for the study of modern natural science. His approach to considering nature as a whole and the desire to see phenomena as they actually occur in it, together with the works of other outstanding natural scientists, may facilitate finding answers to the complex unsolved tasks of modern natural sciences.
Mykola Oleksiiovych made a significant contribution to fundamental biological science and, in particular, to the study of fauna, bird ecology and zoology in general. With his direct participation and under his leadership, extensive theoretical and practical work was carried out in various areas of biological science: faunistics, ecology, systematics, zoogeography of birds and other terrestrial vertebrates (all classes of vertebrates) and other general problems of biology. This far from complete list of the scientist's scientific preferences indicates that he was a scientist with a very broad worldview and a large scope of scientific activity. In total, the list includes 218 printed works of M. O. Zarudnyi.
Keywords |
M. O. Zarudnyi, zoologist, ornithologist, traveler, Darwinist, faunist and systematist
References |
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