 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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Summary |
The purpose of the study is to highlight the scientific achievements of agricultural scientists of the Poltava State Agrarian University since 1920 to the present. Considering that the university has been conducting scientific activities for more than 100 years, its contribution to the development of the region is significant and indisputable. The influence of scientific research and the formation of scientific schools of agrarian scientists of Poltava region were closely influenced by the events that determined the periods of development of the university itself and at the same time determined the stages of the development of agrarian science in general.
The purpose of the research is achieved using the methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis and comparison.
The article for the first time considers the periods of formation of the university itself from the agricultural faculty at Poltava Higher Workers' School (1920), the Polytechnic School (1921–1929), the Fruit and Vegetable School; to Poltava Agricultural Institute (1929), Poltava State Agrarian Academy (2001), and later to Poltava State Agrarian University (2020). Such substantial development and change in the status of the institution of higher education caused the personnel acquisition of its oldest institute – the educational and scientific institute of agricultural technologies, breeding and ecology and contributed to the involvement of a galaxy of outstanding scientists who gave the world significant scientific discoveries, carried out painstaking selection work, and varieties of grain and legumes are known far beyond the borders of Ukraine. The periods of development of the educational and scientific institute of agricultural technologies, ecology and ecology are also highlighted: the Agronomic Department of the Agricultural Faculty of the Polytechnic University (1921–1929); Faculty of Agriculture and Forage, part of the Zootechnical Institute (1930–1934); Faculty of Agronomy (1934–2011); Faculty of Agricultural Technologies and Ecology (2011–2021); Educational and Scientific Institute of Agricultural Technologies, Selection and Ecology (ESI ATSE) (from January 1, 2022 until now).
The specifics of the educational and scientific institute of agricultural technologies, selection and ecology are emphasized, in particular selection work, cultivation of selection fields, breeding of dozens of varieties of grain and other crops, formation of leading scientific departments and licensing of eight educational and professional programs of various levels. ESI ATSE has given Ukraine more than 10,000 farmers, its graduates have the honorary titles of Heroes of Ukraine and continue to support the national economy of Ukraine.
Keywords |
Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava State Agrarian University, Educational and Scientific Institute of Agricultural Technologies, Selection and Ecology, plant selection, selection field
References |
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