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Formation of documentary and information resources of the archive heritage of academic agricultural science: experience, criteria, perspectives
full article |
Yurchak E.
Pages: |
244–259 |
Summary |
Based on general scientific and specific research methods, the problem of the transformation of the activity of archival institutions in the conditions of global informatization of society in independent Ukraine was considered by the method of historical and scientific analysis. The historical origins of the organization and functioning of archives are highlighted step by step, the formation of document and information archival resources with the introduction of digital technologies in the library industry is traced. The activities of the sector of archival studies and document studies of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences were monitored, scientific output of employees of the specified sector. The funds representing the archival heritage of agrarian science consisting of 12 separate funds and, separately, archival fund of personal origin of outstanding scientists, which includes 11 additional funds representing scientific heritage, photo documents, correspondence, etc.
It was determined that digitization and the creation of electronic databases are the main sources of modernization of archival funds as a modern innovative component in agricultural science through the reproduction of the history of the formation and development of agricultural research, documentary scientific heritage of agricultural science, education, production of Ukraine with a personalized content. The concept of «document and information archival resources», which are divided into classes: 1) primary – information formed in natural conditions; 2) «variable information» – reproduces quantitative and qualitative signs of natural, industrial and socio-economic processes; 3) information obtained as a result of human intellectual activity - in the process of scientific research or creative work.
We analyzed the shortcomings in the library industry and considered proposals for a new concept in the conditions of global informatization and further activities of archival institutions, thanks to initiative, informatization, innovations, integration, international experience and connections.
Keywords |
archival institution, archival heritage, document and information resources, agricultural science, informatization, innovations
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