Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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Electronic bibliographical resources of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS a place in virtual space
full article |
Nyzhnyk S., Lyamets L.
Pages: |
230–243 |
Summary |
The position of National Scientific Agricultural Library of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NSAL NAAS) in the formation of electronic bibliographic resources is determined, the work and its role in further conducting an open information and communication policy to maximize the information and knowledge needs of society in obtaining a holistic picture of bibliographic agricultural resources and ensuring free access to it are highlighted. The semantic and genre features of electronic bibliographic products, which the institution advises to remote users, are considered. It is noted that the electronic bibliographic resources created by NSAL NAAS are characterized by species diversity, content, industry orientation, and heterogeneity. The methodological basis is relay on the principles of historicism, objectivity, and science. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, logical, generalization), special historical methods (archival and source analysis, problem-chronological, periodization, personalization, biographical) were used to cover the problem. The complex application of these methods contributed to the acquisition of new knowledge, determining their value, reflecting the content. It was found that electronic resources have become a key element of the open information space of the institution, which has changed the method of satisfying requests. It has been established that in order to obtain bibliographic information from world manufacturers, the library (in addition to its own) provides the user with access to more than 20 bibliographic, abstract, factual and full-text databases containing more than 20 million records of the world information flow and millions of full texts. It is proved that electronic bibliographic resources are an effective means of library scientific communications - a promising direction in the strategy of library development, a direction that will contribute to the further growth of communication links in social networks; uniting people in communities of interest (including scientific and educational); will open new opportunities to study the interaction of people and organizations (including NSAL NAAS and its users) and meet the needs of remote target communities by electronically putting into circulation the necessary arrays of information
Keywords |
National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS, electronic bibliographic resources, information and bibliographic resource, electronic bibliography, databases, agriculture, history
References |
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