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Origins of the control-seed business in Slobozhanschina (1905 -1911 рр.)
full article |
Serhyeyeva I.
Pages: |
180–195 |
Summary |
In the presented article, the early stages of formation of the control-seed station of the Kharkiv Provincial Zemstvo in the context of the development of agricultural research and ways of its reorganization into the Kharkiv control-seed station of the Kharkiv Society of Agriculture and Industry (KSAI) were investigated using the method of historical-scientific analysis. The study of literary sources and archival materials shed light on the history of the station and its first managers. The organizational and scientific activity of the control-seed station of the KSAI for settlement and satisfaction of the population’s practical needs, and first of all adjustment of trade and control-seed business of the region is analyzed and considered. The Seed Control Station has developed methodological approaches to the study of seed quality; sealing bags with seeds; special seed exhibitions were organized and held; the seed certificate of the goods quality is introduced; entered into force an agreement between the seller and the buyer, which was to protect the rights of the latter.
Keywords |
seed, control-seed station, impurities, local variety, agricultural society
References |
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