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An outstanding scientist-entomologist V.P. Pospelov (150th birthday)
full article |
Krut’ M.
Pages: |
111–123 |
Summary |
The article presents scientific and historical materials about activity of Volodymyr Petrovych Pospelov (1872–1949), who is an outstanding Ukrainian entomologist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor and Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. V.P. Pospelov is one of the initiators of the organization of local institutions for agricultural plant protection, the establishment of a plant quarantine service in the USSR in 1931 and the organizer of work on the biological method of pest control. 1904–1913 – head of the Kyiv Entomological Station, founded by him. Organizer of the first in Russia special journal on applied entomology "Entomological Bulletin" (1912–1914), which later became the "Journal of Applied Entomology" – a body of the Society of Applied Entomology. On his initiative, the first All-Russian Congress of Workers in Applied Entomology was convened in Kyiv in 1913, and the second – in 1916.
V.P. Pospelov is one of the few domestic entomologists who has developed deep and complex biological questions about metamorphosis, diapauses and symbiosis by precise histological and physiological methods. Another significant series of his works is devoted to the study of insect diseases and the development of a microbiological method of pest control in agriculture.
Organizer and first director of the Institute of Entomology and Phytopathology of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences (now – the Institute of Plant Protection of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine).
Keywords |
agricultural crop, pests, diseases, weeds, plant protection
References |
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