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Ways to form of the scientific-technical personnel resource in an electrical machine-building at the Kharkiv Electromechanical Plant during the 1920s
full article |
Annienkov I.
Pages: |
79–83 |
Summary |
The article restores the general historical picture of the process of forming of the scientific-technical personnel resource in an electrical machine-building at the Kharkiv Electromechanical Plant in the 1920s, when within its implementation were developed appropriate ways, applied later by Ukrainian branch of electrical machine-building in a whole. It has been established that from 1920 to 1929 this resource increased quantitatively by 16 times, however, only in the early 1920s mentioned process was carried out systematically, taking into account objective and subjective conditions that make it possible to maintain the quantitative-qualitative balance of the resource under study at the level that enabling to ensure the outstripping pace of development of scientific support for the processes of creating electrical machines at the enterprise. Since 1924, when the ability to satisfy the current domestic demand for electrical machines both by importing them and by own production with the existing level of its scientific support, was exhausted in the country, the choice of ways to form an electrical machine-building scientific-technical personnel resource at the plant has become situational character. It was focused on the current, rather than the perspective, state of the making process of electrical machines at the plant, which the Soviet government decided to improve by attracting foreign scientific and technical assistance, which was tantamount to attracting foreign specialized scientific-technical personnel to the scientific support of the domestic production of electrical machines. In the absence in the 1920s in Ukraine, as well as in the USSR as a whole, of an adequate base for the training of qualified electrical machine-building scientific and technical personnel, this led to a shift in the quantitative and qualitative balance in the corresponding personnel resource in the direction of its quantitative component, that became the basis for the subsequent extensive development of the factory sphere of scientific support for the processes of creating electrical machines.
Keywords |
electrical machine-building, electrical engineering, scientific-technical personnel, personnel resources, "practitioners", "re-qualified persons", scientific support
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