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Scientific and informational support of the agricultural sector of economy (historical experience of domestic and world libraries and institutions)
full article |
Tovmachenko V.
Pages: |
266–281 |
Summary |
The problem of scientific and information support of the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine in its historical aspect is described. Emphasis is placed on the current state of information and communication technologies in the world and their impact on the capabilities of agricultural libraries that serve the relevant sector of the economy. The peculiarity of the current state of information support technologies, which is called "digitalization", is noted. The main attention is paid to special libraries, in particular agricultural ones, which include the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NNSGB NAAS) with its subordinate library network. Significant experience in the development of information and library services for users of the agricultural sector is noted. Global changes in the technological support of libraries provide new opportunities for their activities. An analysis of the historical experience of development of information and library support of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Ukraine, in particular the development of NNSGB NAAS in this field, a comparative analysis of the experience of the European Union, USA, UK and others, including in the new conditions of digital technology development. The object of research is the development of both domestic scientists and the experience of other countries in this field. The main provisions of the model of the National system of distribution of agricultural scientific and technical information in Ukraine and the theory of developments in this field (authors VV Derlemenko, VV Vergunov) are given. In the further works of scientists of NNSGB the concept of model of System of distribution of scientific and technical information has received the development in the form of "Integrated branch information resource of NNSGB NAAS: theoretical and scientific-practical aspects of creation", Tatarchuk LM, which confirmed the need to create an information industry space of the state, the development of infrastructure of library and information institutions, training, logistics and technical and technological support, the formation of information resources and their integration into global networks. The main directions of information support of agricultural enterprises in foreign countries are also presented. It is noted that in developed foreign countries more than 90% of agricultural producers are covered by information support. In some countries there are special state services for the development of science and technology in the agricultural sector, the so-called Agricultural Extension Service. Thus, in the United States there is a multilevel state system for the introduction of scientific advances in the agricultural sector and the dissemination of agricultural knowledge. In most countries, there are three main systems of information dissemination: public, cooperative and private. Recommendations are given on the optimal forms of building information support for the agricultural sector for the conditions of our country.
Keywords |
Agricultural sector of the economy, scientific and information support, agricultural libraries, NNSGB NAAS, dissemination of information, historical experience
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