 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
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Model of transformation of the National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAN activities according to the requirements and needs of informational society
full article |
Tatarchuk L., Borodai I.
Pages: |
251–265 |
Summary |
The NSAL NAAS activities through the prism of the main provisions of the three Laws of Ukraine "On Libraries and Library Affairs", "On scientific and scientific-technical activities", "On education" and other normative-methodical materials is covered. It is shown that combining the functions, tasks and directions of academic and national branch library in its work is a key area of research work, which is carried out through basic and applied research, scientific projects on the issues of branch library science, bibliography science, book science, information activities, historiographical ways of development of domestic agricultural research; accumulation, preservation of book funds; formation of national sectoral information content and integration into the world information space; publishing activity; increasing the level of knowledge intensity of the developed industry information products; support of professional communication; monitoring, analysis and integration of research results into the world scientific space; expansion of socio-communications; international cooperation, etc. Methodological approaches are presented, using which the library is modeled as a social institution, in particular research; informative; socio-communication and public, as well as a combination of important approaches through the integration of necessary and optimal elements: the accumulation of information potential; intellectual, semantic information processing; production of integrated and synthesized information; ensuring the communication process; development of an extensive information retrieval system and customer service with the use of innovative services as one of the priority areas of activities. It is shown new opportunities of information and communication technologies that provide the creation of an integrated unity – resources, products, services to meet the needs of users through increasing the share of information and analytical products and services. The work of the library as a center for methodological support and coordination of work on the formation of bibliometric profiles of agricultural scientists and provides a range of services aimed at improving the efficiency of the relevant scientific community and positioning agricultural science in the international scientific and educational space is highlighted. It is found that this area of activities in the institution is promising, as it provides further theoretical and methodological, scientific and practical research on working with science-intensive information resources and determining the scientific publishing activities of the NAAS scientists. It is proved that due to new opportunities of information and communication technologies, services introduced in the National Scientific Agricultural Library there are transformations into an integrated unity – resources and products, which in turn provide new opportunities with wider service coverage in user service. New web services create favorable conditions for improving the communicativeness of the library and ensuring a qualitatively new level of interaction with society.
Keywords |
library work, scientific institution, National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS, services, communication, model, paradigm, information technologies, information space
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