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Scientific and practical activity of Grigory Oleksiyovych Latyshev in the Kharkiv Technological Institute in the second half of the XIX century
full article |
Safoniuk T.
Pages: |
236–250 |
Summary |
The scientific and practical activity of Hryhoriy Oleksiyovych Latyshev in the end of the XIX century was studied. The activity of the scientist in this period was focused on the organization of the scientific process, participation in investigative examinations and scientific research at the Kharkiv Technological Institute. During this period, the scientific works of the scientist were devoted to agricultural engineering and descriptive geometry. The works of the scientist became one of the key in the formation of engineering education in modern Ukraine in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
This scientific work is a scientific and historical work that reproduces the nature and uniqueness of the scientist's personality by generalizing little-known archival and published sources which cover the activities of Grigory Alekseevich, which form the basis of the study.
The article provides a systematic investigation of the activities of Hryhoriy Oleksiyovych Latyshev in the end of the XIX century, who laid the conceptual and scientific-organizational foundations for the development of engineering and technical education on the territory of Dnieper Ukraine. The personality of the scientist and his role in the development of agricultural engineering were studied.
The paper notes the influence of the Kharkiv Institute of Technology on the formation of a scientist and the importance of the university in gaining the necessary organizational experience and practical skills with which Hryhoriy Oleksiyovych implemented his own activity in the twentieth century as one of the leading researchers in the field of agricultural engineering.
Keywords |
Hryhoriy Oleksiyovych Latyshev, Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute, KhPTI, Economic Committee, Agricultural Engineering, Descriptive Geometry, Agricultural Machinery, Kharkiv Branch of the Imperial Russian Technical Society, South Russian Society of Technologists
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