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Scientific and pedagogical heritage of V. I. Albitsky in historiography
full article |
Panasiuk A.
Pages: |
219–235 |
Summary |
The article offers a historiography of the scientific and pedagogical heritage of Vasily Ivanovich Albitsky, an outstanding scientist in the field of hydraulics and hydraulic engineering. The development of historiography of this issue is periodized, the main lines of research of Soviet and modern historians, which refer to the famous engineer-technologist, long silenced in the Soviet period, are studied and systematized. The main achievements in the study of this issue showed that the scientific historical literature reviewed only some fragments of certain aspects of scientific and pedagogical activities of the professor, some scientists have stated his great merits in this field, while others regarded V. I. Albitsky only as a devoted supporter of the monarchical regime. However, the most important contribution to the study of the life and creative path of the scientist was made by D. Y. Zhurilo (2016) and M. V. Gutnik (2018), these works became the basis for further research into the scientific and pedagogical heritage of V. I. Albitsky. However, in general, historiography has not disclosed either his creative path or the scientific and pedagogical heritage left by him.
Keywords |
historiography, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering, V. I. Albitsky, scientific heritage, Kharkiv Technological Institute
References |
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