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Activities of academician E.O. Paton during the Second World War (1941–1945)
full article |
Nezlina O.
Pages: |
208–218 |
Summary |
The article is devoted to the life and activity of academician E.O. Paton (1870–1953) during the Second World War. Analysis of his creative legacy as a prominent domestic scientist-engineer, organizer and head of the Institute of Electric Welding of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR - is of great importance for understanding the processes of development of domestic railway transport. Yevhen Oskarovych Paton is an outstanding scientist who had a brilliant engineering talent. It was he who created a unique Ukrainian school of bridge construction, turning this difficult task not only into a complex science, but also into a real art. He devoted his whole life to a very necessary and noble work - the construction of bridges.
During the war against the Nazi invaders E.O. Paton immediately took his place in the overall work of defending the country. He understood that now, more than ever, his knowledge and experience were needed by the Motherland, and therefore he worked directly in the factories, together with the workers, forging the formidable weapon of victory. In the difficult conditions of wartime, the scientist together with his students developed technology and equipment for welding armored tank hulls, artillery, ammunition. The T-34 tank, developed by Ukrainian specialists and manufactured in the rear at the Ural Machine-Building Plant and other enterprises of the country on a large scale, became a good example of its achievements and recognized in the world as the best tank of the Second World War. This technology made the tanks stronger, more maneuverable, and automatic welding was added to the conveyor process of creating tanks.
So we can safely say that Eugene Oskarovich Paton was and is a prominent figure in the history of technical science in the first half of the twentieth century. and will forever remain an outstanding representative of the Ukrainian school of bridge construction and welding.
Keywords |
E.O. Paton, electric welding, national defense, world war, automatic submerged arc welding
References |
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