 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
07 |
Institute of Plant Protection of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (75 years of activity)
full article |
Borzykh O., Gavryluk L., Krut’ M.
Pages: |
138–155 |
Summary |
The article presents the history of the formation and stages of the Institute of Plant Protection of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, it points to its role in improving the efficiency of agro-industrial production in the scientific and business world. It is noted that at all stages of its history the Institute has successfully solved important tasks related to the development of effective measures to protect plants from the most dangerous pests and diseases, including improving the chemical method of protection, development and implementation of biological protection measures. The economic expediency of insecticide use was theoretically substantiated, economic thresholds of phytophagous harmfulness, indicators of ecological safety of chemical method of protection and theoretical bases of integrated protection of plants from harmful organisms were developed. Enormous work has been carried out and is still being carried out to scientifically ensure the selection of agricultural plants for resistance to pathogens and pests. A set of scientific researches on improving ecological and safe methods of protecting cultures under radioactive contamination are carried out. Systems of monitoring and controlling the number of parasitic phytonematodes on wheat winter, potatoes, sugar beets, vegetable cultures of greenhouse are developed. Numerous scientific researches on quarantine of plants are carried out. There are developments on the forecasting of the beans of field crops and improvement of techniques of use of herbicides. Large-scale researches from wheat genetics are carried out. As a result, the Institute of Plant Protection of NAAS has always played and still plays a huge role in improving the efficiency of agro-industrial production. He is firmly established in the scientific and business world.
Keywords |
agricultural crop, pests, diseases, weeds, plant protection
References |
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