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05 |
To the history of museum efficiency of monuments from the Ukrainian Polissya in the museum of folk architecture and life of the middle Dnieper region
full article |
Zham Е., Shakula V.
Pages: |
106–119 |
Summary |
In this article, the author aims to explore the history of museification of monuments of folk architecture from Ukrainian Polissya – Left Bank (Chernihiv, Novgorod-Siversky) and Middle Right Bank (Kiev) in the Museum of folk architecture and life of the Middle Dnieper in the 60–80's. These are twelve sights: a house from the village of New Wable of the Borodyansky district of the Kiev region; complex of forest border buildings (forest gatehouse and barn); windmill from the village of Myrcha, Borodyanka district, Kyiv region; tar and cone dryer Kapera-Golitsyna from the village of Entertainment of Ivankiv district; landowner's house from Ivankiv; windmill from the village of Liski, Minsk district, Chernihiv region; windmill from the village of Galicia, Nizhyn district, Chernihiv region; windmill from the village of Yaroslavets, Krolevets district, Sumy region, water mill from the village of Gamaliyivka, Shostka district, Sumy region; a house from the town of Poliske, Polissya district, Kyiv region, which houses the exposition of the Museum of memory of Polissya district. The relevance of the study was determined by the lack of comprehensive research on this issue. The scientific novelty is that for the first time this topic has become the object of independent, comprehensive study. The main part describes the history of museification of monuments from the study region in chronological order. The research methodology is based on the principles of scientificity, systematization. Historical-comparative, chronological and statistical methods of structural analysis were used, the use of which allowed to systematize the source information, to determine the species composition of monuments, their scientific potential. The conclusion evaluates the researched monuments. Information related to them is important for deepening further research into the history of the Museum of folk architecture and life of the Middle Dnieper.
Keywords |
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Historical Museum, Ukrainian Polissya, expedition, architectural monument, field research, museification
References |
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