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14 |
Agricultural non-governmental associations in Ukraine of the XIX - early XXth centuries: typology and features of functioning
full article |
Demuz I.
Pages: |
80–105 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the entire array of agricultural public associations that functioned within the Russian Empire, in particular on the territory of Ukraine, in the 19th – early 20th centuries, and the identification of agrarian societies that differ from each other by name (legal status). Methods and principles of research – problem-chronological, comparative-historical, descriptive, source criticism; application of the chain model of science and institutional approach to the analysis of the history of Ukrainian science.
The issues of their belonging to the category of scientific societies are considered. It has been established that agricultural public associations were not classical scientific societies, unlike other sectoral societies (natural, technical, humanitarian), but belonged, first of all, to cooperative organizations, taking into account their proximity to the peasantry practical and production needs.
It was found that agricultural associations of the 19th – early 20th centuries are one of the form of sectoral associations that arose at the individuals’ initiative (scientists and landowners) and acted on the principle of self-regulation. They were aimed at the development of agronomic science, professional agricultural education and literature, and also contributed to the increase in the efficiency of agricultural production.
It was established that agricultural societies were not similar and differed in range activity, name, legal status, association members’ property, by establishment initiators and other features. The following division of agriculturalists groups by the name (legal status) has been proposed: agricultural societies of cultural and educational (scientific) direction; commercial agricultural companies; associations (unions) of agricultural producers; commercial departments at agricultural companies; peasant unions; agricultural cooperatives. The key differences and features of the functioning of these groups of agricultural public associations of the 19th – early 20th centuries are traced.
It was noted that sectoral associations, which combined scientific and cultural work activities and consumer services of agriculture in their activities, belonged to the first group. Their primary task was to solve social problems, without obtaining material income. This category included societies for farming and agricultural industry promotion. The second group were commercial and industrial (consumer) agricultural associations, created exclusively for the meeting of rural population local needs. It was proved that associations (unions) of agricultural producers, consisting of mutual associations, mutual loan societies, consumer societies, savings and loan associations, loan associations, according to the statutes, tried to assist their members in business operation conducting, equipment purchasing by loan granting and execution of intermediary operations in this direction. Peasant unions were predominantly religious and political in nature, trying along with that to contribute to the improvement of rural population welfare. Artels is one of the forms of the cooperative movement, the union of certain professions representatives to achieve a common economic goal.
Keywords |
agricultural public associations; agricultural societies; agricultural syndicates; artels; peasant unions; credit, consumer and savings and loan societies; cooperative organizations
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