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Formation of a model of agricultural affairs development in the conditions of transformation processes
full article |
Baziv V.
Pages: |
1–44 |
Summary |
Transformation processes in modern society require not only getting rid of stereotypes, but also the implementation of new approaches to understanding the history of agriculture and training personnel for it. The formation of new approaches is due to radical shifts: the formation of the "full world", the phenomenon of the agrosphere, the awareness of the meaning of the culture of agriculture, the factor of agrarian thinking. At the same time, it turns out that socio-cultural and spiritual changes that cover entire eras are of great importance. Indeed, for thousands of years, agricultural activities evolved under the influence of anteism, and then for hundreds of years the agricultural activities of people were carried out in the context of ethnocentrism. The entry into the arena of the social life of the bourgeoisie was accompanied by the manifestation of the phenomenon of nationalism. The further development of society, and, accordingly, agrarian activity, led to the formation of complex international structures and relations that contribute to the implementation of the principles of patriotism.
At the beginning of the third millennium, not only the economic, socio-cultural and moral-psychological significance of the agrosphere is realized, but the meaning of earth-centrism is also manifested for humanity. The stability of the ratio of material and spiritual in the mechanisms of agrarian reality is given by special bonds (archetypes), which pass the baton of traditions, hopes and faith of generations.
The study of the elements of both the material side of agrarian activity and its spiritual and moral aspect creates conditions for the development of a constructive model for the development of agrarian business in the context of transformational processes.
Keywords |
agrosphere, anteism, ethnocentrism, nationalism, patriotism, land centrism, archetype
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