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15 |
Archival materials as a component of the source base of studying of the history of agricultural research work of Ukraine (1920s)
full article |
Shchebetiuk N., Kovalenko N., Kucher V.
Pages: |
247–261 |
Summary |
The publication considers the elements of the theoretical and conceptual apparatus of historical source studies, which are related to the use of archival documents as the main initial group of sources for studying the development of agricultural science and research work in Ukraine. Due to the application of systematic and logical methods, as well as source, archival analysis, the peculiarities of systematization of the source base of research of this problem are highlighted. The integrity of the source complex, the types of informative material and its classification - the main method at all stages of research are substantiated. Sources are classified by origin, authorship, form, content, chronological and geographical features, method and place of storage, etc. It is proved that the most widely used in special historical disciplines is the classification by genus and species criteria (documentary sources, narrative, mass, sources of personal origin, materials of specific sociological research). Research on the history of the development of domestic agricultural science and research work of the last century is based on the use of four types of archival documents: materials of state archives; documents of permanent storage; materials stored in the current archives of state authorities; current archives of political parties, movements, public organizations.
During the processing of documents take into account the possibility of the existence of different schemes of classification of the documents. According to their official purpose, they are divided into the following: a) normative (from state legislative acts to organizational and administrative documentation of institutions, enterprises, organizations) and executive (from final and operational reporting documents to operational correspondence); b) documents of collective and personal origin; c) by types (acts, reference documents, statistical, financial and settlement, forensic, diplomatic, military, etc.). In addition, each type of document has its own varieties. Also among the documents are originals, copies, vacations, etc.
It is established that the representativeness of the source base for studying the history of development of sectoral research work in the 20s of the 20th century. in Ukraine provides a set of collections of documents and materials for the 1920s and the funds of the Central State Archive of Supreme Authorities and Administration of Ukraine, the Central State Archive of Public Associations of Ukraine, the Archive of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the State Archives of Ukraine. These archival holdings contain both typewritten and handwritten documents that form the representativeness of the source base for the study of the evolutionary progress of agricultural research work in Ukraine, in particular its development in the 1920s. Elaboration of a wide range of diverse archival documentation contributes to the reproduction of scientific-organizational and methodological features of scientific support of the agricultural sector in the former USSR.
Keywords |
agrarian research work, archival materials, source base, historical source, classification, methodology
References |
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