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10 Scientific-organizational and pedagogical activities of professor Irynarkh Shchogoliv (1919–1929) full article
Onyshchenko A.
Pages: 170–183

The history of higher educational institutions of Ukraine is an interesting source for studying the biographies of prominent figures who were at the origins of their formation. Unfortunately, sometimes names are lost in the vortex of centuries. One of them is well-known entomologist, organizer of agricultural science and education Irinarkh M. Shchogoliv (1873–1943).

The purpose of the study is to carry out a historical and scientific analysis of the pedagogical heritage of Professor I. Shchogoliv to the development of Ukrainian higher agricultural education and science.

At the end of 1920, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was in terrible decline. An Organizing Council was appointed to organize the new educational process. Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduate I. Shchogoliv actively participated in the development of Alma Mater. On November 8, 1920, he was chosen a member of the Organizing Council and its secretary. The first meeting of the Organizing Council took place on November 10, 1920 in the mechanical laboratory of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute; the last was convened on March 22, 1921. The events of the Ukrainian Revolution testified to the unity of scientific forces for the common goal of restoring higher agricultural education destroyed by wars and revolutions. Thus, the dilapidated school emerged from the ruins and became one of the most powerful universities, which had no analogues in the USSR. It should be noted that the cooperation between I. Shchogoliv and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute did not stop there, but on the contrary, it intensified in the pedagogical field.

On April 1, 1921, I. Shchogoliv was elected Associate Professor of agricultural entomology at the Faculty of Agronomy. He also served as secretary of the faculty committee, assistant dean, dean, secretary of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute bureau, and with the organization of the Board – was its secretary. In addition, he became a member of the tariff and normative bureau of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Professor I. Shchogoliv invariably headed first the Faculty of Agronomy and since 1927 the reformed Faculty of Agriculture, located in new premises in Golosievo. It is important to emphasize that Professor I. Shchogoliv gave lectures on partial agricultural entomology exclusively in Ukrainian. He had practical experience in this field of knowledge since 1905. He is the author of branch dictionaries, numerous scientific and popular science works in Ukrainian, Russian and Tatar languages. The scientist focused a lot of attention on illustrative material - the creation of posters that helped farmers in choosing pesticides and more.

In addition to scientific and organizational work, I. Shchogoliv conducted active scientific work with students in the Agronomic Circle, which he headed for some time. The Agronomic Circle published the first issue of its «Bulletin» on the eve of the 20th anniversary dedicated to a significant event in the life of the students of the institute.

It was found out I. Shchogoliv acted as the vice-rector of the educational part of Kyiv Agricultural Institute from time to time. In 1927, he taught part-time agricultural entomology at the Kyiv Engineering and Reclamation College.

It should be noted that since 1926 Professor I. Shchogoliv together with Professors S. Veselovsky, V. Kolkunov, M. Kravchuk and V. Ustyantsev was a member of the editorial board of the publication «Notes of the Kyiv Agricultural Institute». I. Shchogoliv was the editor-in-chief and a regular writer. The journal is a valuable historiographical source for establishing the course of the educational institution, its key figures and achievements.

The researcher established that Professor I. Shchogoliv made a significant contribution to the development of higher agricultural education and science. High professionalism, innovative approaches, search for innovative ways allowed to reveal the pedagogical talent of a progressive scientist who used all his experience of various activities – teaching, administrative, scientific-organizational, publishing, popularization to increase the level of training of agricultural specialists.

Irynarh M. Shchogoliv, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Agronomy, Agronomic Circle
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