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Formation and development of a testing system for agricultural machinery in Galichina (70S of the XIXth – 20S of the XXth centry)
full article |
Visyn O.
Pages: |
156–169 |
Summary |
The author aims to cover some events on the creation and operation of the first test station of agricultural machinery in Galicia, which in its history leads to the Dublin Agricultural School. The research methodology is based on the predominant use of historical-scientific and problem-chronological analysis. Analysis of the process of formation and development of agricultural science, allows us to trace and establish a link between theoretical research and practical application. On the basis of a comprehensive scientific and historical analysis, it was established that the accumulation of European experience, study of approaches and achievements were the impetus for the launch of testing of agricultural machinery for tools. The influence of the system of tests of agricultural machinery on the development of mechanization in the region is clarified. The role of figures who were at the origins of the development of the probation system is shown
Keywords |
agriculture, agricultural machines and tools, scientific research, experimental mechanical field testing station for agricultural machines, Dublyanskaya field school
References |
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