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08 |
Ivan-Matviy Ovsinskyi without myths in reality: personality formation and the first representation of the "New system of agriculture"
full article |
Verhunov V.
Pages: |
125–155 |
Summary |
Purpose of the article is to highlight the main milestones in life and the creative path, to summarize the priority scientific achievements of the talented agricultural scientist, the fundator of the plowless tillage system I.E. Ovsinskyi. Research methods are common scientific — analysis, synthesis, classification; historical — problem-chronological, comparative-historical, retrospective, biographical. An analysis of the main stages of promoting the scientist's ideas among representatives of the domestic scientific community gave grounds to assert that his innovative farming system was actively discussed at various events held by branch public associations, and caused scientific discussions regarding the development of effective ways of farming. It was tested on the experimental fields of well-known branch research institutions of that time. However, non-compliance with the researcher's methodology led to incorrect results, which were used by famous scientists S.M. Bogdanov, A.A. Slavinsky, A.G. Karabetov, devalued his teaching. Public rehabilitation of the farming system of I.E. Ovsinskyi received only in the 60s of the twentieth century thanks, first of all, to the efforts of academicians T.S. Maltsev and O.I. Baraev, when non-moldboard plowing was introduced – the first step towards the beginning of the "New farming system". The unconditional contribution of I.E. Ovsinskyi to the development of the foundations of cultivation and selection of some forage plants, horticulture, fish farming, beekeeping has been proved.
Keywords |
agricultural experimental work, soil science, agriculture, uncultivated tillage, productivity, I.E. Ovsinskyi
References |
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