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The establishment and activity of the school-workshop of precision mechanics of the Kharkiv University (1915–1919)
full article |
Balyshev M.
Pages: |
105–124 |
Summary |
The proposed study reconstructs the main stages of the creation and development processes of School-workshop of precision mechanics of Kharkiv University as an educational institution in 1915-1919. The preconditions, purposes and principles of the creation of educational institution are considered; and also the formation of topics and directions of educational programs; feasibility study of the School-workshop activity; the formation of teaching staff and the creation of tool base; the reasons for termination its activities were clarified. The archival documents, which were first involved in the review, made it possible to recreate the chronological sequence of events, related to the functioning of the School-workshop of precision mechanics and to prove (or clarify) some unknown facts. It was considered the contribution of Prof. Ludwig Struve in the creation and development of the School-workshop; its influence on the formation of the directions of its work, educational process and production tasks, in particular, the fulfilling the orders of the Kharkiv military-industrial committee; the participation of Kharkiv astronomers in the work of the School-workshop; the correlation between this educational institution and the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory was shown. It was analyzed the issue of allocating an area for the construction of the Kharkiv University`s own School-workshop building and the development of its project by an university architect.
The author used special research methods (historical-chronological, retrospective and methods of source analysis), their application allowed to clarify the features of the School-workshop functioning in a certain period. It is assumed that the materials of the historical and scientific research on the creation and the activity of the School-workshop in the 1910s will be used in the research work devoted to the history of astronomy in Kharkiv the first half of the XXth century.
Keywords |
School-workshop of precision mechanics, Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory, Ludwig Struve, mechanical works, tool base, industrial colleges, faculty of physics and mathematics of the Kharkiv University
References |
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