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The emergence of industrial production of agricultural machinery and equipment for the processing industry in the Ukrainian lands of the Russian Empire in the 40s - 50s of the nineteenth century
full article |
Annenkova N., Bey R., Kotsur V.
Pages: |
88–104 |
Summary |
The article recreates the general historical picture of the emergence branch of machine-building for the agro-industrial sphere in the Ukrainian provinces of the Russian Empire of the mid-19th century. The chronology and geography of the emergence of this process, its distribution across the Ukrainian territories and its profile branching against the background of the development of agricultural production as the main, at that time, budget-forming sector of the Russian economy, have been established. Industrial establishments and separate entrepreneurs were identified, whose activities laid the foundation for the creation of a domestic agrarian engineering industry. The state of the components of the branch scientific and technical potential during the formation of a network of enterprises of agro-machine-building specialization is highlighted. A general description is given of the methods of organizing the production of agricultural machines, as well as machines for the food and processing industries, used on the territory of Russian Ukraine during the selected chronological framework. The main reasons that determined the studied nature of the course of the process of transition from the handicraft to the industrial method of manufacturing means of agricultural production and processing of agricultural raw materials at the final stage of the existence of serfdom have been established.
Keywords |
agrarian engineering, agricultural machinery, enterprise, processing industry, equipment, mechanical workshop
References |
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